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Ways of the World

Carol Stone, business economist & active Episcopalian, brings you "Ways of the World". Exploring business & consumers & stewardship, we'll discuss everyday issues: kids & finances, gas prices, & some larger issues: what if foreigners start dumping our debt? And so on. We can provide answers & seek out sources for others. We'll talk about current events & perhaps get different perspectives from what the media says. Write to Carol. Let her know what's important to you:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge

We are busily compiling and writing articles on Detroit's financial crisis and on health care issues, the latter occasioned in part by the closure of our local neighborhood hospital here in Brooklyn.  Both of these are serious matters, somber and in some ways, even heart-rending topics.

But in the midst of our labors, there is some happy news we have to stop and acknowledge: the birth of His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.  This event, of course, happened on Monday, July 22 and on Tuesday, July 23, we found ourselves completely diverted from other activity and totally absorbed in watching coverage on of his departure with his parents from St. Mary's Hospital in London for his home at Kensington Palace.  Later in the evening, we watched a round-up review on CNN.

There were two signs of the happiness that this birth generated.  The first is obvious, but still well worth noting.  As parents William and Kate emerged from the door of the hospital out onto the street, they were absolutely radiant.  They were relaxed and joyful as they presented their son for all to see.  They approached lucky photographers and offered numerous opportunities for picture-taking and they both replied to a few questions about the baby's name – "we're still working on it and it will be ready soon" [it was, indeed, the very next day] – and their own feelings – "it's all very emotional", his mother said through a broad smile.  These are plainly all the best kinds of emotional feelings.

Then they returned briefly inside to put the baby prince in a car-seat, which the proud father prince carried out to a car and placed securely in the back seat.  The mother got into the car by herself and sat next to the baby.  Then the father prince got into the driver's seat and drove his family to their home.

What wonder and pleasure in these simple actions, carried out by a future King of England for his son, the subsequent King of England.  How meaningful and how gracious for them to share in just the right way with all of the world.

The other show of happiness we then saw and heard came from otherwise sober-faced TV reporters and commentators.  Christiane Amanpour, as an example, actually laughed out loud as she was describing all this on CNN later in the evening.  How wonderful that everyone can take such delight in this birth.  There are plenty of other less-than-pleasant events taking place in our day and time.  Let's enjoy this little guy!

In the baby's honor, we quote here from the service of Thanksgiving for a Child in the Book of Common Prayer (page 443):

O God, you have taught us through your blessed Son that
whoever receives a little child in the name of Christ receives
Christ himself: We give you thanks for the blessing you have
bestowed upon this family in giving them a child. Confirm
their joy by a lively sense of your presence with them, and
give them calm strength and patient wisdom as they seek to
bring this child to love all that is true and noble, just and
pure, lovable and gracious, excellent and admirable,
following the example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We daresay the relevant "family" who've just been blessed encompass the entirety of the United Kingdom and a lot of other places around the world. Hooray!

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